Database Schema

Schema List :


  • ObjectId() is 12-byte BSON type that are generated by MongoDB for all Collection that doesn't have custom _id field.
  • String for the trigger string is update operators or query and projections operators that are used in MongoDB. For example, "$set" or "$all" LEARN MORE.



Chats Collection is used to store all the chats and channels that the bot ever interacted with (Forwarding message from a channel to will also create the document).

    _id: ObjectId(),
    chat_id: Integer,
    chat_name: String,
    member: Array<Integer>,
    type: String


Stores the chat settings for reporting plugin.

    _id: ObjectId(),
    chat_id: Integer,
    settings: Boolean


Stores all bot federations data.

    _id: String,
    name: String,
    owner: Integer,
    log: Integer,
    chats: Array<Integer>,
    admins: Array<Integer>,
    banned: {
        Integer: { // <-- User ID or Chat ID
            name: String,
            reason: String,
            time: Date


Stores all message filters in a chat.

    _id: ObjectId(),
    chat_id: Integer,
    trigger: {
        String: String,

trigger is a pair key-value, where key is the trigger and value is the response.


Stores chat settings that enabled spam_shield (Banning from CAS and SpamWatch)

    _id: ObjectId(),
    chat_id: Integer,
    setting: Boolean


Stores all the chat languages settings.

    _id: ObjectId(),
    chat_id: Integer,
    language: String


Stores all the chat lockings setting.

    _id: ObjectId(),
    chat_id: Integer,
    type: Array<String>,


Stores notes data of a chats.

    _id: ObjectId(),
    chat_id: Integer,
    chat_name: String,
    notes: {
        String: {  // <-- The trigger string
            text: String,
            type: Integer,
            content: Optional[String],

ButtonData is an array that contains 3 elements.

[ String, String, Boolean ]

First string index determines the button text Second string index determines the button url Third boolean index determines that the button is placed in the same row or not.


Stores rules data of a chats.

    _id: ObjectId(),
    chat_id: Integer,
    rules: String


Stores session data (Pyrogram) of the bot. If this collection exist, the bot will use this session data.

    _id: String,
    session: Binary


Stores all the staffs and its rank.

    _id: ObjectId(),
    rank: String,


Stores bot stats of every event handled.

    _id: Integer,
    start_time_usec: Integer,
    processed: Integer,
    received: Integer,
    downtime: Integer,
    missed_event: Integer,
    sent: Integer


Users Collection is used to store all the users that the bot ever interacted with (Forwarding message from a user will also create the document).

    _id: Integer,
    chats: Array<Integer>,
    username: String,
    name: String,


Stores the user settings for reporting plugin. This is same as CHATS_REPORTING but for users.

    _id: ObjectId(),
    setting: String


Stores the chat data for warned users.

    _id: ObjectId(),
    chat_id: Integer,
    warn_list: {
        String: { // <-- User ID
            <ReasonId>: String,
    warn_threshold: Integer,

ReasonId is an ObjectId() that is converted into String.


Stores chat greetings data.

    _id: ObjectId(),
    chat_id: Integer,
    should_welcome: Boolean,
    clean_service: Boolean,
    custom_welcome: String,
    prev_welc: Integer,
    button: <ButtonData>
    should_goodbye: Boolean,
    custom_goodbye: String
    prev_gdby: Integer,

ButtonData is an array that contains 3 elements.

[ String, String, Boolean ]

First string index determines the button text Second string index determines the button url Third boolean index determines that the button is placed in the same row or not.